How to Spot Magnesium Deficiency


Magnesium is a very common mineral. It is used for performing a variety of different tasks and is required in large amounts by your body. Magnesium is found in a variety of different foods, and can be purchased separately as a dietary supplement. It’s also found in various different medicines. Magnesium is primarily used for the regulation of various different biochemical reactions within the body, such as the regulation of blood pressure, the functions of the nerve and muscles andprotein synthesis.

A magnesium deficiency could cause a lot of issues in your life. Many people consume junk foods that contain little magnesium and other nutrients. Carbonated drinks do not contain any magnesium either, so if you are regularly drinking soft drinks, you will need to put a stop to that as well. There are some tell-tale signs that can indicate a deficiency of magnesium in the body. Here are the most obvious ones.

Muscle Cramps and Spasms

Magnesium is required by your body for regulating the function of the muscles and the nerves. If you lack magnesium, your muscles will start to stiffen up, which ultimately leads to spasms and cramps. If you are constantly experiencing cramps in your arms and legs, it might be a wise idea to start taking a magnesium supplement.

Spot Magnesium Deficiency

Depression and Anxiety

Another major sign that indicates a deficiency of magnesium in the body is excessive depression and anxiety. Modern research studies have confirmed the link between a deficiency of magnesium and your mental health. Magnesium is found in the synapses between neurons, along with glutamate and calcium. It acts as a guard, preventing the activation of the NDMA receptor in the brain. Thus, if you do not consume magnesium regularly, the NDMA receptor will be activated consistently. This ultimately harms your brain cells, eventually leading to cell death as well.

Hypertension and High Blood Pressure

In a study of over 70,000 people conducted at Harvard University, it was found that those who maintained their magnesium intake were the ones to report the healthiest blood pressure figures. Later on, a meta-analysis confirmed that high blood pressure could be tackled by taking care of your magnesium intake.

Sleep Issues

Several studies have shown that magnesium can actually help you sleep easily. Many nutritionists refer to magnesium as the ultimate relaxation mineral, since it helps relax the mind and body, both of which are necessary for a healthy night’s sleep. Magnesium is also necessary for the GABA receptors in the brain, since this is the neurotransmitter that’s needed by the body to transition into a state of rest.

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body, and is also required for regulating bone health. It prevents the calcification of arteries, and also allows the body to use vitamin D and other nutrients such as potassium and vitamin K properly.