Supportive Marketing Tactics for Premium Chocolate Sales Increase
Chocolate is popular as a craving or want-snack and not a necessity to purchase. Some people buy chocolate bars impulsively, while others seek premium chocolate with a precise taste. Consumers are fragmented with respect to expectation and price.
According to research, the boxed chocolate category is very dynamic with swiftness of innovation, an invasion of creative chocolatiers, and steady outflow of new products keep consumers engaged. You can check lamontagnechocolate.com for new and innovative chocolate collection.
Factors that support growth
Several factors responsible for consistent growth curve of premium chocolate market includes –
- Customer’s loyalty – Despite economic climate, market has displayed consistent growth because of customer’s loyalty to chocolate products.
- Customer’s awareness – Growing perception as an easy to buy luxury attracts consumers towards premium products.
- Positive image – Research supporting cocoa status as nutritional super food helps to improve its halo as guilt-free indulgence, which ultimately influences more consumption.
This positive trend for premium chocolate demand can be advantageous but calls for a solid marketing campaign. For this there is a need for right product, right market, right prices, and different methods.
Marketing tactics for increasing premium chocolate sales
Perfect reusable packaging
What happens when chocolate is gone? Be creative, tins are reusable and can be designed for a good keepsake.
Designer chocolates wrappers
Chocolate market is not just for individuals but corporations can also be a good business source. Offer these customers in specifically designed wrappers including business logo or name. Specially designed wedding chocolate having wrapper with features of happy couple is also appealing.
Be aware about budgets
Chocolate is a perennial holiday favourite, which has also suffered conservative budget cuts. Instead of offering a box with 36 chocolates the customer may select a structured gift pack including small size box with nine pieces or mid-size with 18-pieces.
Sharing is caring
Chocolates can be sold all the year round introducing anniversary and birthday programs for helping consumers indentify these crucial events.
Viral ad
Young demographics can be targeted with ads. A video parodying popular celebrity featuring your chocolate brand can be posted on YouTube, Twitter and even Facebook. This helps to build strong brand awareness.
Tips for wholesalers
- Keep shelves full with different chocolate products. Ensure they are well-organized, so that buyers can find products they are searching for easily.
- Optimize POP displays to grab attention towards new chocolate display..
- Stock bestsellers because they offer great sales rate.
- Invest in brands that are marketed heavily because this influences consumers, which you can convert as sales.
- Impulse price-oriented retailers get attracted towards price-marking because it communicates value.
Wholesale depots can profit from the above cohesive approach.