Guide To Help You Take Correct Dosage of Clenbuterol for Best Results
People have started to realize the importance of having a healthy and fit lifestyle. For this they want to have a good physique as well as fat free body. In order to achieve this they go to gym and do rigorous exercises for weight loss. However, only this is sometimes not sufficient, in order to achieve weight loss it is important to take weight loss supplements in addition to exercises that you are already doing.
Women have the tendency to acquire weight quite easily, so it becomes all the more frustrating for them to not lose it that easily in less time. Clenbuterol, also known as Spiropent is one such drug, which you can use to overcome the problem of weight gain.
Apart from this, Clenbuterol has become popular amongst many women, body builders and athletes are also because it is a powerful thermo genic that helps to reduce weight. It helps to burn the fat deposited within our body into energy. You will see immediate results of this drug during product use.
The consumption of this drug is something that you need to keep in mind. Some of the highlights regarding its dosage are:
- For the beginners the intake of the drug should start from 40 mg for men and 20 mg for women till approximately half a month. This is a mild dosage, so that you can identify the side effects that it may be causing to you.
- There is a maximum dosage tendency also for this drug, which starts from 120 – 140 mg for both men and women. Above this limit the dosage is not essentially required and may lead to side effects such as cardiac hypertrophy etc.
- The cycle must be for just 2-3 weeks and then you should take an off. If required you can increase the consumption of the drug by 20 mg after every cycle. This will help your body adapt to the drug. The maximum dosage can be for continuous 16 weeks and no above that due to medical reasons. But, even this much should be done under proper guidance and care.
Clenbuterol, is the most famous drug to lose weight and get a perfect shaped lean body. By figuring out the best cycle that may suit your body, you will be able to get the desired results. Along with this it is also important to follow correct dosage with cycle and proper medical prescription for best results.